
SEMESTA Filmmaking Workshop
The SEMESTA Filmmaking Workshop is a series of practical training sessions focused on imparting and developing new skillsets related to filmmaking. The aim is to further empower both beginners and industry members alike with the necessary storytelling skills in making films. This includes sessions on scriptwriting, editing, documentary filmmaking and more. Led by experience practitioners, participants are given a strong chance to best fulfill their potential and realise their ideas.


Film Appreciation
The Film Appreciation is the screening of films rarely screened in contemporary Malaysia. It intends to offer a chance for members of the public to appreciate and analyse the films. Where relevant, this will be paired with a SEMESTA Seminar session.

SEMESTA Seminar Series
This is a series of sessions focused on sharing ideas related to the arts (specifically film). The event will be a moderated discussion, with an audience Q&A segment. The aim is to bring a more critical focus to the appreciation of arts, with the intention of creating a more informed public.


Young Filmmakers and Digital Content Forum
The Young Filmmakers and Digital Content Forum (also known as the Young Filmmakers Forum) is a biennial event that provides critical discussion on films, filmmaking and digital creative content. Click here for more details.

Malaysian Digital Film Awards
The Malaysian Digital Film Awards is a biennial film awards ceremony that pits fresh new talent against experienced industry professionals. Click here for more details.
